Chama Madoz

Surrealism was a term that I  would primarily  associate with painting, however, as I started to introduce myself into 20th century art, I began to learn that photography too, was a major outlet for surrealism.

These are some wonderful photographies by Spanish Photographer Chama Madoz.

Madoz works with a regular lens mounted on a large format camera, his objective is to translate on film the same view he sees with his eyes, additionally, most of his collections rely on photographing still lifes and  installations rich in ambiguity and poetic  license.


El surrealismo siempre ha sido algo que he asociado con la pintura, sin embargo, a medida que he ido observando mas sobre el arte moderno, he ido aprendiendo que la fotografía también, ofrece una dimension muy impresionante para el surrealismo.

Estas son unas muestras del fotógrafo de origen Español Chema Madoz.

Generalmente, Madoz trabaja con una cámara de formato grande, y  por lo general opta por usar lentes sin distorsión. La mayoría de su catalogo, consiste en naturalezas muertas he instalaciones que transmiten ambigüedad y que invitan a la reflexion.