Pandemic Blues: Letting Go

Time waits for no one, and before you know it, you find yourself with responsibilities and emotional baggage hindering your creativity. As the current pandemic situation takes place without ending on sight, I can't help thinking how precious time is!

When it comes to being creative, I regret the times I allowed others to put me down with their criticism and artistic advice. Still, I don't blame anyone for my frustration, and I'm thankful for their feedback as it helped me be more critical. I can't think of anything achievable without a critical vision. but, one thing that sets visual art from other endeavors is that being critical is only a tiny part of the big picture.

Looking back at the fifteen-year-old version of me, I wish I could give him a good smack on the head and shake up his confusion. I would tell him to take it with a grain of salt, and instead, focus on developing his vision rather than dwelling on technicalities. I would say to him that it's far more important to figure things out as he's doing it, rather than knowing how before he even starts. So what if proportions and values are wrong? So what if edges are sharp and everything looks flat?

So moving forward, assuming I survive this pandemic, I'm determined to let myself lose and do what it feels right for me. At this stage, I don't even care if people can call it 'art,' and that itself is liberating.