Sketching with the Sktchy App

I was introduced to the sketchy app by Steve Mitchell when I was watching one of his watercolor instructional videos on his youtube channel. Though I could quickly draw inspiration from my photography catalog, I feel more inclined to explore ideas from online sources, and probably the reason why is that there is no attachment. I also love indulging in viewing pictures from far away places around the world on a site such as Flickr, mainly because they inspire new ideas for future paintings.

Copying from photos hasn’t always been my thing, when it comes to drawing and painting, I enjoy working from memory rather than life, but a while back I began to understand how starting from a good source photo can be a good starting point. That said, sktchy has proved to be an excellent source for finding visual references and taking a fresh outlook on drawing. I love how I can discover other artists and share what I do in a non-judgmental online community. It’s great how Sktchy is a platform for anyone who wishes to be drawn by other artists too!

Here are some sketches I’ve drawn in recent days. If you join sktchy, search me up to view the original images.